Terms Of Use

Terms Of Use

Terms Of Use


Welcome to our website www.marionvouzas.com (https://www.marionvouzas.com), where you can find quality leather accessories. You may interact with our website and services subject to the following terms and conditions. Please make sure to thoroughly read the below terms prior to using our website and services. We shall make every reasonable effort so that all information listed in our website is up-to-date and accurate.


1. Customer service
Our customer service department is available to answer any of your queries via email (info@marionvouzas.com), through our website’s contact form, or by phone at +30 2310233435. We will be glad to assist you.

2. Who we are
Our e-shop www.marionvouzas.com (https://www.marionvouzas.com) is the website and presentation area of the products of the sole proprietorship “DIONYSIOS ATHAN. VOUZAS – LEATHER GOODS CRAFT INDUSTRY” (hereinsafter “business”), which is headquartered in Thessaloniki, 17, Thermaikou Str., Oraiokastro 54 630, and whose retail branch is located at 13, Nikiforou Foka Str., Thessaloniki 54 621 (Tax Reg. No.: 027410990, 1st Tax Office of Thessaloniki, Company Reg. No.: 037047705000, Member of the Thessaloniki Chamber of Crafts), telephone number: +30 2310233435, email: info@marionvouzas.com. Our business is enganged in online and distance selling of leather goods through its e-shop www.marionvouzas.com (https://www.marionvouzas.com), in compliance with the provisions of Law No. 2251/1994 and all applicable legislation.

3. Terms and Conditions of use and acceptance thereof
In order to provide you with the best possible experience, as well as to ensure the seamless operation of this website, the latter’s use if subject to the following terms and conditions. Unconditional acceptance thereof is required prior to navigating our website and using it as a visitor or registered user. Upon entering our website, you may easily access its terms and conditions of use, which are linked to in a prominent spot. Therefore, by continuing to browse through our website, you explicitly accept and agree with its terms and conditions of use.
Should you not wish to accept the aforementioned terms and conditions, you should refrain from further browsing of the website and any transaction with our e-shop. Submission of an order entails explicit acceptance of and agreement with all of our terms and conditions.
We highly recommend that you carefully read through the terms and conditions of use any time you visit our website, as they, along with terms and conditions of the transactions, are subject to unilateral changes without prior notice, according to law. Addition of new terms, amendment of existing ones or deletion of others is possible at any time, by simple amendment of the relevant section of our website. By using our website and its services you accept the possibility of such changes. Orders already confirmed are subject to the terms and conditions that were valid at the time of confirmation. Should any of the terms and conditions be deemed invalid by a court of law, the validity of the rest is not affected.
We strive to provide high quality services, and for this reason our business may at any time, without prior notice, modify, suspend, or terminate the operation of this website and/or the provision of its services, for reasons of maintenance, improvement, upgrades etc., with due respect to all rights and claims that its visitors and others may have according to law or following a contract with our business.

4. Use of the website by minors
By using our website, you declare that you are at least eighteen (18) years old. If your age is lower than eighteen (18) but higher than thirteen (13) years, you may use our website and services solely under the supervision of a parent or other legal guardian, who will have to accept the current terms of use. In any other event, our business shall not be held responsible for your use of our website and services. If you are a parent or guardian/supervisor of a minor who is using our website, you are fully responsible for any issues that may arise out of such use, including any financial obligations that may occur from such use.

5. Operation of our website
In order to submit an order, you will have to fill in and submit a form with your current data (name, surname, address, telephone number and email). All your personal information is stored securely, shall be kept strictly private, and is only accessible to the administrators of our website/e-shop. Our business will never share your information with third parties without your consent, except in cases where it is obligatory by law or for the purposes of shipping and delivering your order.
Our business reserves the right to limit or prohibit the use of our website, including our e-shop. Its operation may be terminated at any point and for any reason, without prior notice. It also reserves the right to update and modify the terms and conditions of sales and to update and improve the current website. Therefore, we highly recommend that you regularly check the relevant sections of our website for any changes. We reiterate that changes to our terms and conditions shall not affect any orders submitted prior to such changes being made.

6. Responsibility of our business
Due to the nature of the web and the sheer volume of information exchanged thereon, we would like to inform you that our business shall not be held responsible for content posted on our website or elsewhere by third parties. Our business is responsible and shall be held liable only for the information posted by itself on its website www.marionvouzas.com, given that it is obliged to provide accurate and safe content according to law, except for minor errors and omissions of minor importance, such as typos or similar errors, as well as errors on the information provided owing to technical issues, human error or erroneous information provided by our suppliers, even due to their negligence. If you spot any error before or after the submission of your order, please notify us immediately by email at info@marionvouzas.com and/or by telephone at +30 2310233435.
We always make best effort to control the content of our website, in order to ensure its accuracy, as required by the legal provisions regarding the responsibility of providers of information society services.

7. Product prices
All of our listed prices include VAT and any other applicable taxes/fees. The prices refer to the products available on our e-shop and are valid until exhaustion of our stock. They may be altered at any time. If the price of a product changes after you have submitted an order for it, your order shall not be affected. You shall receive the product at the price you ordered it at.
If, for any reason, there is no listed price for a given product, or the price is null (0), an error may have occurred and the listing is invalid. In that case, please contact us at +30 2310233435 or by email at info@marionvouzas.com.
You will be promptly and properly informed of any shipping fees applicable to your orders.

8. Advertising & hyperlinks
Our business reserves the right to include advertising content in its website www.marionvouzas.com, in the form of banners, hyperlinks, frames, or any other suitable form, without affecting the users’ experience. We shall not bear responsibility for the content of third-party websites, whereto the aforementioned advertising material links to, as well as for the quality of the services provided by such websites. To ensure the proper and legal function of our website and e-shop, we operate according to applicable e-commerce and consumer law and we refrain from unfair, fraudulent or abusive practices, in order to provide you with a reliable, friendly and complete package of services.
Therefore, our business is not able to control the content, the availability of products, the privacy policy, the quality and the extent of services provided by third party websites possibly linked to from our website. Such hyperlinks are only provided to facilitate web navigation and our business does not bear any responsibility for the content, information, services and anything else related to the hyperlinked websites. You may visit the latter solely under your own responsibility.

9. Browsing and transaction security
Our primary goal during your stay at our website is to ensure the security of your experience. All transactions with our e-shop, as well as all other services provided by our website, are safeguarded against the transmission of computer viruses and malware, through the use of specialised software. Our business shall not be held liable for any errors or omission of such software. For your further protection against computer viruses and malware, we recommend the installation and use of antivirus software on your device.
All financial transactions required by our website (payments by credit/debit cards) are processed through the highly secure environment of our partner PIRAEUS BANK, as described in more detail in the relevant section regarding payments.

10. User obligations
While visiting our website, all visitors must adhere to national, EU and international legislation regarding the use of this website and its services. They shall exercise their rights in good faith, according to the provisions of article 281 of the Greek Civil Code. Furthermore, visitors of our website shall respect all other users and administrators of our website. Therefore, they shall not use the available communication means of our website (email addresses, social media accounts etc) in order to disseminate illegal content in any manner (through posts, comments, messages etc).

11. Applicable law and other conditions
All of the aforementioned terms and conditions of use of our website (www.marionvouzas.com) and any amendment or modification thereof are subject to the provisions of Greek, EU law and applicable international treaties. Any terms and conditions found to violate the aforementioned legal framework, shall be considered invalid effective immediately and will be removed from our website, without prejudice to the rest of the terms. The current text sets out the agreement between the administrator of the website and its visitors/service users and is only binding between them.
In case of disputes that arise from the application of the aforementioned terms and conditions or from any transaction or service, best effort will be made for their amicable resolution. All agreements, contracts and issues shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Greece, including applicable EU and international rules, without prejudice to exceptions provided for by consumer law or other provisions. Such disputes may arise from the operation of the current website, the content of the website and the quality thereof and of its services, the technical specifications of our products as well as directly from contracts or law.
Any dispute between our business and visitors/users of its website, its services and consumers of its products, shall be referred exclusively to the Civil Courts of the Hellenic Republic and specifically to those of Thessaloniki. No proceedings of any nature shall be brought in any other jurisdiction.